October 1, 2007

okay i right now want to appologize. i know the blogging has been crap on my part. sorry. but my internet access isn't always reliable. and these things take awhile to write. and i don't want to be using my host families internet too much. but in this city (erfurt, germeny) my host family has wireless. YESSSSSSS!!!!! so i'll try and catch up. happy cait?!?! haha (oh and that dream is too funny. i have ones where people from back home are travelling with us too. funny). okay so i had written some blogs and then just saved them on my laptop . . . so heres finland.

ok so after thailand we were off to findland. home of the sauna. and santa clause. could it get any better?!

so basically i was in love with finland right from the get go. when i walked outside of the airport with brodie and johan (their host mom gave me a ride to my new house) and i was a little bit cold . . . .agh heaven! going from 45 degrees to 14 degrees. incredible.

but i'm going to back up a little bit and try to remember something from the like 12 hour flight from bangkok to helsinki. and the 6 hour bus ride to bangkok. ummm jeff, vero and i slept together on the back of the bus to bangkok. and then we stopped and had breakfast, and it was supposed to be pancakes but turned out to be like a breakfast sandwich. a little disappointing, but the sandwich was good. umm and then airport. i forget it. they're starting to all blend in my memory. oh well. my plane date was martin, our cast manager, on one side and then sara on the other. i got to talk to martin quite a bit which is really cool cause most people don't really get to know him that well cause hes so busy. but he's martin brennan, and i'm kady brown, so we always sit near each other on the plane trips. its really cool. and then at one point i watch some oc with jonathan on his ipod. and colored a picture with him. it was a beauty and the beast page, and jonathan maganged to make it dirty. no suprise. what a guy - you guys wouldn't even beleive it. hahah you'll just have to meet him someday. umm and then at one point i went and sat next to andrew and we looked out the window and it was all desert and crazyness and i realized that we were flying over the middle east. i think it was kazikastan. i can't spell that. hopefully you know what i mean. anyways super cool. it was kinda then that i realized that i'm actually going around the world. we went over russia too. too cool. anyways and then helsinki, and in the airport we had like a hug-fest, cause in thailand girls and guys aren't supposed to have any physical contact, so we couldn't hug and it really sucked, so in the airport we went nuts. much needed. and now i'm back to finland.

okay so brodie, johan and i left the airport. and took some pictures in the car. and then i met my new host family. ok so for every place we go we get a little slip of paper that tells us who our host family is, any kids they have, their address, who our roommate is (if any) and pets and stuff. so i look at the pets section, and usually you just expect dog or cat or soemthing. but i fell in love with this family as soon as i saw what pet i had. a hedgehog. hahaha too funny. his name was juan. one night he hid in my hoodies pocket for like 45mins. so cute! anyways i stayed with krista, a pe teacher, her husband (and i'm not going to attempt to spell it cause i would butcher it!) who inspected crashed vehicles, vera (12) and santo (10). anyways they were super cool. oh and this was the first place where i lived on my own. no roommate. it was awesome. my host parents were really good and english, vera and santo were pretty shy to try around me though! hahah they were so cool. we did a lot of sporty stuff. like biking, and i learned how to throw the javalin (can i spell?!) and how to play finnish baseball. which is the same but different. and too hard to explain now. i had a lot of fun. i love finland!!!!

ok so after the show (in espoo, finland) i was running around looking for kiki (my boss for my vocal internship), and someone was like 'hey martin's looking for you up at the alumni reception'. so i was a little confused. but i went up and found martin in the midst of like 40 alumni who came to our show (YEAH!), and he introduced me to a lady jawna (again, butchering names) who travelled with my dad! yay!!! and she gave me a huge hug and i guess dad had emailed her and asked her to give me one from him and it was just too cool. and i met her daughter who was like 9, and we took a picture. and then she thought it'd be funny if we called dad. so we did and i got to talk to home!!!! and this happened to be on rachels birthday . . talk about convenient. so she said hi to dad and then let me talk to mom and dad for lik 10 mins. which was soooo awesome. cause i hadn't since la. loved it. love finland. like honestly i could live there. it was soooo awesome.

umm on my free day we went to this historic island. like it an old fort. kinda like lunemburg in cape breton (girls camp cait!!!). it was awesome. and i took like 100 pictures. agh! ran into a whole lot of people when we left. and then went to look at this awesome lutherin church. it was huge. and there we ran into vanessa and andrew (staff one) and we admired a guy sitting on the side of the church reading the newspaper without a shirt on. interesting . . . . i took a picture. and then my host families car broke down. weird . . . so we walked to the underground and then took a bus home. and then we went to the park and i learned to play finnish baseball. and after awhile vanessa and andrew showed up again and they played too. and we were all terrible and it was fun (although i managed to hit the ball more then i expected).

so i don't remember if it was monday or tuesday but it was one of the best days ever. we went out to the woods for regional learning. and just walked and it was near a lake and it was GORGEOUS! oh my goodness. and we made pancakes over a bonfire. and then as we were hiking i stopped and sat on this rock that looked over the lake and forest and it was incredible, but then i realized that the group had left. but dave and sophia stayed behind too. and then we got lost. so we walked and walked, and somehow ended up getting back to where we were supposed to be before some of the group. weird. really weird actually. but it was awesome and we had a good time and talked lots. and i just loved it there!! i didn't realize how much i LOVE being in the woods. but i do. i love it. and then we went to this other spot on the lake where there was a sauna. two really. guys and girls. so we stripped down and sat in there - like 14 of us all crammed in there. and then once we were good and hot, put the bathing suit on and then run out and jump in the lake. agh!!! like 10 degree water. it was sooooooooo unbelieveably cold. soooo fun though. and then after we did that a couple times (i just actaully jumped in the water once, all the other times i just sat on the dock with my feet dipped in the water) we got fully dressed and some of us sat out on the dock and cuddled/talked and it was really nice. umm it was me, aubrii, johnny, brodie, aimee, jalee, libby, olga, and i don't know people cept coming and going. and then we walked up the hill a little bit and had these huge hotdogs and they were good. and okay funnyness. sweden has invented a plastic banana holder. so that your banana doesn't get squished in your bag/purse. and its really funny. and andrew (staff one again) and emi (from sweden, owner of the banana holder) had a flight with it. cause it's kinda shapped like a gun. haha oh i can't even describe how funny it was. and vanessa sat there with her knees tucked up inside her coat (or was it jeremys coat?!) and then jeremy came up behind her and tipped her over. and it was really funny. and he did it more then once and she couldn't really stop it. haha kinda mean, kinda funny. thats jeremy. anyways and then emi and i gather people and we played hide and seek. good time. and then we all went home and i had reigndeer for supper. and it was really good. poor blitzen . . . .

okay so yesterday and then next two days were like the best 3 days of the trip. and they were all in a row. so maybe they weren't the BEST, but because they were in a row it was just awesomeness. SOOO GOOD. so on this day we got on our 'ferry' to sweden. they told us it was a ferry. well hell if this was a ferry i'd sure like to see they're crusie ships. this was definitley a cruise ship by my standards! SOOOO BUG! i mean big. wow. i was rooming with emi, jin a (from south korea) and kim (from germany). and for such a huge ship the rooms really were tiny!!! anyways we did a little mini show in the casino, and then after we went out to eat, got all dolled up and such and it was a lot of fun. and then after . . . . ummmm hing out with a whole lot of people crammed in one room. andrew (student), libby, emerald, jeff, vero, johnny, brodie, aimee, justen, jonathan, and then some people came and went - lena, jalee, aubrii, shannon, jordan, and probably more. and then after awhile we went up on the deck and hung out. but it was cold. so we went to the club and danced. oh and before this at some point aubrii, jalee and i sang opps i did it again (brittney spears - incase you filtered it out) kareoke. i think it was right after dinner. anyways the dancing was soooo much fun. we had a good time. and then we went up on the deck. and i hung out with andrew. and then when i decided to sleep, at around 4ish, i went into y room and emi had just gotten in to and so we got into bed and talked for a bit and then slept like babies. we shared a bed cause the room was so small that we holed down all four beds there was no room for our giant suitcases. so we shared a top bunk. thank goodness i didn't fall off. and then after about 3 hours sleep, waking up to look out the window and see the ocean rolling on by (which was awesome!!!) went and had breakfast with jeff and andrea. and then our cruise was over. good night though. i loved it.

and then we were in stockholm sweden, which was the third day to the three day awesomeness. but right now its eleventhirty and i have to get up at six tomorrow cause its the 12hour travel day to germany. and i don't have an alarm clock so i'm literally praying that i wake up. cause i need to be there at sevenfifteen. agh! we'll see. buti had a coffee around 3 today. bad idea. cause i'm not tired at all. hense the book i just wrote for you all. it was originally going to be really short. agh and here i am still typing. okay goodnight. love you all. times ten to the power of 198731275912. i know, big number eh? true story though.

and i just did a word count on this and its over 2000. thats longer then most of my high school essays. holy moly.

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