October 19, 2008

ummmm . . . what happened this week?

hermosillo is hot. like on our show day it was about 50 degrees out. we needed a super set up crew that came in at 5am cause it would have been too hot to set up during the day.

i stayed with jessica rojas this week. and my host family didn't speak any english. i think that they were really confused by us. one girl who could speak spanish (therefore communicate with them), but couldn't see (ps. jess is blind) - and another who could see but couldn't communicate with them.

monday driving there was long. like a nine hour day. and then when we got there, we were invited to the city hall of hermosillio. cause that monday was the national independance day of mexico. and it was a huge deal to be invited . . . cause like the govenor of the state was there and we sang 'viva le gente' (up with people in spanish) for the first lady and everything. but it made for a really long day cause we were there til like 11pm. definitley a cool experience.

it was also intern city . . . so the interns run everything. pretty cool. laura ran her own workshop . . . taught a song that she had wrote. in dutch. pretty awesome. and . . . . i don't remember a whole lot else from this week. we had mcdonalds one day for lunch. like it was donated. THAT was a pretty big deal.

oh and hermosillo had an infestation of crickets. like they were everywhere. they hopped into everything you owned. and my host family this week . . . they would just step on them, and leave them on the floor. so there was squished crickets all over the floor. i won't lie, it was gross.

and that's all. peace out.

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