August 18, 2007

ok so on tuesday night we did our show in gallup, new mexico. it definitley wasn't our best show. i'm not going to make excuses for it - there really wasn't any good ones. but oh well. we learned from it. ohhh kinda funny story from it though. so it was time for we'll be there - one of the solo i usually sing. so before the song a really nice video plays that uses the same music. so my cue to come out on stage is for the video music to stop for like 3 seconds and then it starts again - this time for the song. but on this night the track started right after the video. so i didn't know to walk out. and it was the lights cue too so the lights didn't come on. i thought that they were still playing the video music and i was all confused. but i decided to walk out onto the dark stage - mic in hand - just kind of standing there kinda freaking out on what to do. and then they turned the lights on. so there i was standing on the stage, with my mic, with no clue what was going on or what i should do. after probably only five seconds (but God was it a long five seconds), the wonderful brodie kinder saved my ass and came out and started singing. hahah we were right in the middle of the chorus, but we sang anyways and then we just kept going from there. i don't know if anyone in the audience knew that we messed up though cause i think we (well, brodie) pulled it off. haha it wasn;t until after that i figered out what had happened. and everyone thought that i had forgotten my lines or something . . . but oh well. man i was soooo frustrated afterwards!!!!!!! but i learned from it. and i'm definitley going to make sure it never happens again!!!!

anyways the next day we left for tucson. another long bus ride. we got there, at the univeristy of arizona (which - ps - has an amazingly beautiful campus) and there was our lovely cast b friends to welcome us. we had some free time so we went for a walk and jalee, libby and i went into american apparell and tried on spandex leggings and body suits. we looked hot. and then we went to jamba juice and did a wheat grass shot, which tasted exactally like the smell of fresh cut grass. but apparently its really good for you. anyways then we met our new host families. aofie (pronounced effia) from ireland and i stayed with a lady named judi. she lived on her own and was too cute. tucson is awesome . . . there was cacti everywhere. sooo cool. but actually not cool. on sunday it was 106! yipes! so i did vocal internship stuff on . . thursday. and spray painted some buckets with dave, kristen (vocal staff person), michael bowerman (head music guy) and eric (someone also important). haha it was kinda cool. and then . . . . . i don't remember. oh we went to the westin hotel where the alumni reunion was occuring.with about 1500 uppies (up with people'ers). sooo nuts! awesome though!!! so then the next day - friday - we had our show. this was nuts. the auditorium held 2600ish people, and all 1500 alumni was sooooo awesome. we sold out. OH MY GOD!!!! i didn't have any solos in this show - as we combined the two casts AND thy wanted it to be an unreal show so a lot of the staff did th big parts cause they knew them better. but i got to play with the band for five songs. yeah! and it was just awesome. it was unreal when i walked out on the stage to get behind the keyboard at the first of the show an tnen look up to see like 2500 people sitting in front of you. agh!!!! afterwards we striked the stage and then went home. soo tired.

saturday we had some unreal talks. the belks, who are unreal!!! this guy is our founder and he honestly has some of the coolest stories, like after martin luther kings jrs 'i have a dream' speech belk went up to him and asked if he had dinner plans and he didn't so he was dinner with king after that speech. unreal eh?!?! agh!!! and oh my god i forgot!!! we met ghandi's grandson. he talked to us!!!! unreal to an extreme. wow. anyways and then carolin lee, and big uwp alumn talked to us too and it was awesome. and then we had free time kinda, we went to this place nearby and had a bbq and went swimming in a pool. and then after that we went back to the hotel and watch the era show. this is when all the different alunmi groups - determined by years - get up and do a show of the songs they remember from there year. hahaha sooo funny. loved it. and then again - home and sleep.

sunday we took it easy. i got to mass cause judi is catholic which was awesome - it had been too long! and then we just went home and were lazy. i took a nap. we went swimming in the pool. and then we went out to eat - this really good steak place!!! and that was sunday.
right now i'm on a bus to san diego, california. we're going to be there for two days, doing promotion for cast b's show here in a couple weeks. i'm hopeing that i'm going to be able to see christina (my cousin who now livres here), that'd be awesome. and then wednesday we leave for THAILAND!!!!! oh my GOD!!!!

ok thats it. caught up again. probably won't last too long. oh well. lovelovelove you all!!!!!

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