August 18, 2007

okay so we arrived in carlsdad or carlsbad, california at their high school. we thought that we were just unloading there until our host families came to get us but then chris (education coordinator/assistant cast manager) told us interns that actually . . . . . . we were staying at the high school over night. and that the next night we'd be sleeping in a church!!! soooo pumped. hahaha. so we went in and told the cast and everyone was really excited - host families are awesome but we don't really get to just hang out with each other very much. just bus rides. all the other times we're in talks or dancing or singing or banding. so we all got situated and played some volleyball. soo fun. and we got sleeping bags and towels and a couple pillows lended to us for these two days. i didn't get a pillow but oh well. a bunch of us decided to sleep outside - so we took all our stuff out and laid it out up on the top row of some bleachers at the football field. and and earlier johnny taught shannon and i some belly dancing. he's a professional. no lie. ok so . . . umm then andrew, justen, scott and i walked around the track thingy and just talked and stuff - then sat down on some bleachers and continued to talk. then jordan joined us. and then i got cold so i went to the other side of the feild to sleep. they all followed. there was a lot of us out there. abby, emerald, callie, johan, johnathan, illiana, justen, scott, olga, lena, and i. maybe more but i think thats it. anyways so justen and i shared a mat, but during the night i got pushed off so i ended up lying on the concrete - only a sleepbag between it and me. i wasn't too bad though. i would of thought it'd be a lot worse.

so after not a lot of sleep we got up. ate some breakfast. did some pilates. had some thai prep. ate lunch. and then we headed out to do some promotion for the show cast b will be doing here in a week or two. it was pretty cool. and then . . . . drumroll . . . . we went TO THE BEACH!!!! first time in the pacific! it was sooo awesome. we got there and changed and then RAN into the water. the waves were awesome and pretty huge. good time!!! and then we had a staff circle, which the interns are also a part of, and went over tomorrow cause . . . .



wow. so yeah and then we ate and then it was dark so we had a bonfire and brodie and i brought out the guitars and we started singing 'up' songs from the show. haha got a little crowd for awhile. and it was just awesome. wow. like home but not but still awesome. i mean good friends, beach, food, bonfire, guitars?! thats why i love summer. so i'm just pumped that we got to do it.

and now we're at a united methodist church camping out on a floor. but this time they lended some air matteresses too. YES!!!! so it's 11 and we're still waiting for the breakfast stuff so that we can pack breakfast for tomorrow morning cause we're waking up at 4. agh. and being an intern it us thats getting up forst and waking up everyone else. ahaha pumpep. jalee and i are going to sing realllllly loud. and then we're going to leave at 6 - and our flight leaves LAX at 12:30. this occurs on a wednesday. we don't get in till 3:30ish thursday. ridiculous. i can't wait!!! haha but we are going to STINK!!!!! the bus from bangkok to phuket alone it like 12 hours. AGHAGHAGH!!!!


this is a osm.

we had a talk on this. living for the osm. the oh shit moments.

a good osm.

wow. i'm going to leave on that note. when i write again i may be in thailand. unless i write something about the whole crazy travel experience. anyways. night loves.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I hope that you didn't discover any strange rashes after sleeping outside...