July 18, 2007

alright and tuesday again.

wow. tuesday already?!?! time is a flying.

so today was the first morning that we got split up for our morning meetings. by cast. it's kinda sad. we're split basically the whole day except for lunch. and i guess the band practices together for now. but yeah anyways morning meeting. and then we went over the rules again. like alcohal and driving and sex. hahahaha sex is definitley the topic we spent the most time on. cause really it wasn't very clear. and some areas are still a little foggy. but don't worry mom. no sex for me. ;)

and then . . . oh man what did we do?! ummmm oh vocals. and since i'm always in the band when they do vocals i knew nothing!!! it was soo bad. i'm so behind. oh well. i caught on to most fairly quickly. and then we had lunch, where raine and i continued his guitar lessons. we started yesterday. did i mention that?! anyways so we worked on wonderwall and hes getting good!! awww i'm so proud of my little raine. except hes already on the search for my replacement - which hurts my heart a little. haha but what can you do!?

so after lunch we had band, but only for an hour due to was have a new keyboardist steffan. hes in cast b and from . . . . . . germany?! man i'm bad at this! so basically i had an hour and a half to kill cause i had stopped bringing gym clothes cause i never danced. so at 3:30 we had voice, but i only got to stay for half an hour cause the band wanted me back to play with them. figures eh?! oh well. it was actually awesome cause i got to play with the band instead of just learning everything seperate from them. and i could keep up on aieko. sooo fun. i know i'm going to love it.

anyways so yeah then we did our little closing meeting and then headed out for the day.

oh as a little sidenote - kurtiss, i think of you everyday! hahaha one of our bus stops is called curtis so every morning i picture that little red head boy i know. just kinda funny. i think of all of you too, but kurtiss at about the same moment everyday!

so back at home with the stonesmiths we ate some supper and then we sat around in the living room and all played cards. i love this family, they are just sooo cute. they're so easy to just talk and hang out with. and that's what we did. and now i'm blogging once again. doing good though, writing tuesday on tuesday! yes!


All Blog Spots said...

nice blog

Neal said...

yeah, what "all blog spots" said...

P.S. Do you think of me when you have to kneel down for something or of Marcus when you use markers? Or of 14A when you smell rotting garbage?

Caitlin Brown said...

...or of me when you see a pile of eight lint?

p.s. 14A smells like a dream. the only reasons we would ever smell like garbage is because we're always hosting all of your smelly bodies.

Neal said...

A dream??? I'm glad I don't dream about the same things you do Caitlin. Every time I walk in there, I feel like I'm walking into a septic tank. It's a pure pig sty. I once saw a few rats under the couch shooting dice. SKETCHY.